Area - Square metre
Volume - Cubic metre
Velocity - Metre / second
Density - Kilogram / Metre Cube
Energy -Joule
Force - Newton
Pressure - Pascal or Newton / Square Metre

Power - Watt
Weight - Newton or Kilogram
Heat - Joule
Temperature - Kelvin
Resistance - Ohm
Electric current - Ampere
Electromotive force - Volt
Intensity of Sound - Decibel
Power of lens - Dioptre
Depth of Sea - Fathom
Magnetic Intensity - Orsted
Electric Power - Kilo Watt or Watt
Acceleration - Metre / Second Square
Momentum -Kilogram Metre / Second
Work -Joule
Impulse - Newton - Second
Angular velocity - Radian / Second
Viscosity - Poise
Surface tension - Newton / Square Metre
Absolute temperature - Kelvin
Electrical conductivity - Ohm / Metre
Electric Energy - Kilo Watt hour
Charge - Coulomb
Magnetic induction - Gauss
Luminous flux - Candela
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