Shri S.K. Agarwal, Addl. General Manager, SCR, the Chief Guest on the occasion, appreciated various achievements of the TA Unit / Moula Ali. He also lauded its noble initiatives in conducting a blood donation camp on the occasion of ‘Territorial Army Day’ and admired the Railway Terriers for their enthusiastic participation.
Shri Gajanan Mallya, Deputy General Manager, SCR, the Guest of Honour on the occasion, appealed to railway staff who were newly recruited in railways through Railway Recruitment Board and Railway Recruitment Cell to join Territorial Army to serve the Nation.
Speaking on the occasion, Smt. Dr. Usha K. Madali, Chief Medical Director, SCR, briefed on the various advantages of donating blood and admired Lt. Col. V. Vinod and his team for their best efforts in organizing the blood donation camp.
Dr. A.V.S.K. Prasad, Deputy Chief Medical Director (Family Welfare) SCR, educated and motivated the participants through a power point presentation on ‘various aspects and advantages of blood donation’.
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