Sunday, April 13

Territorial Army exam Syllabus Aug 2014(Exam Question Paper Pattern & Recommended Book)

Territorial Army Syllabus Aug 2014: Territorial Army Syllabus along with information of Exam Question Paper Pattern & Book is given below.

Dear aspirants if you are going to appear the exam of Territorial Army by beating the test then you need to study according to TA Official Syllabus 2014 with Exam Paper Pattern.

Hey dear aspirants if you are seriously involve in preparation for Territorial Army exam then press the trigger of the mind so that you may get ready for all questions’ answers. Content published in this site will help you to reach your goal.

Exam Question Paper Pattern:

  1. The written exam duration is of two hours.
  2. Maximum mark is 100.
  3. The question paper has two sections that are I & II.
  4. First section comprise in two parts that is part A,B&C

Section I: ENGLISH (40 marks)

Part A: Essay (30 marks)
In this part one has to write One essay out of Five essays within three hundred words. For this the allocated marks is 30. The essay related to current scenario (National/ International).

Part B: English Comprehension (5 marks)
This part is English comprehension & Language for 5 marks.Question & Answer will be based on a Small passage for 05 marks.

Part C: Synonyms & Antonyms (5 marks)

Section II: General Awareness ( 60 marks)
Second part consists of General Knowledge. Total number of questions in this section is sixty. Each question carry one marks.

Marking scenario: Many Candidates have doubts that is there is any negative marks or not ,as per my previous attempts there is no negative marks.

Cut off: To get into PIB Candidates have to score more than 50% of the total marks i,e more than 50 marks out of total 100 marks.


  1. Dear Sir,

    Please tell me the next TA Exam Expected essays and gk to mail id im requesting plzzzzzzzzz

    1. Now read GK & current affairs...
      I will share essay later.

    2. Sir, Please share some Gk & current affairs to my mail id also,

  2. Hi smruti. This is naveen from Bangalore. In ur previous blog it said that there is comprehensive English so can u please suggest me some books to refer.

    1. u can easily answer Comprehensive( 5marks) ..
      For essay u can have here

  3. sir, please share some GK and current affairs to my mail id also.

  4. when we will receive the hall ticket for territory officer exam -2014 in aUGUST

  5. Hello Sir, Is there any negative marking system ? thanks in advance for ur reply

  6. ops sorry just saw ... its not ...

  7. Sir, my name is Srinivas HV, i want to know when will we will receive the admit card for territorial army officer exam which will be held on 10 august?

  8. Admit card for 10 th Aug exam is already dispatched frm HQ ..
    if didn't get ur Admit card by 3 Aug then contact ur nearest TA battalion

  9. Important essay topics plzzzz...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi,

    1. What documents I should take alongwith in writtenexam?
    2. What will be the language used in the exam? (English/Hindi)

  12. hi sir,
    What documents I should take alongwith in writtenexam

  13. hi sir,
    What documents I should take alongwith in writtenexam

    1. u need to take ur Admit card , photo identity proof with writting matterial..
      best of luck..

  14. dear smruti.. plzz also mail me some probable ques. for 10 th aug. exam.. at-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  15. Is the exam is too tough...

  16. I want to serve the nation pls help me sir..

  17. Pervious question papers ,, send me...

  18. could anyone pass on the question paper for the exam held on Aug 10 2014....

    1. Would request you to please share the question paper with me at buddy

  19. Hi Sirm

    Could you please confirm whether we need to attach any other documents to TA center for applying written test

    Appreciate your quick response
    Thanks in advance

  20. Plz confirm whether all documents mentioned in Written test call letter are to be taken while going for written test,i.e. Original copies of edu docs, NOC from employers etc...

  21. Plz confirm whether all documents mentioned in Written test call letter are to be taken while going for written test,i.e. Original copies of edu docs, NOC from employers etc...
