Monday, February 10

Review of Indian Territorial Army Officers Exam

Review Shared by Santosh lal

Hi Friends, This is Santosh lal from pune. Who have attended TA written exam on 9th feb 2014. According to him the paper was tough. Not so easy not so difficult.

Part-1 ENGLISH (40 marks)

Essay (30 marks)
Synonyms (5 Marks)
reading comprehension (5 marks)

Part-2 General Awareness (60 marks)

In one word the paper was tough,most of the questions are based on politics,science,sports,music,economics,national and international issues etc.

Here are some questions shared by Santosh lal

1) Inflation and its effects
2) India Foreign Relations
3)The Lokpal Bill
4) Govt's MNREGA Program
out of these only Lokpal Bill is expected question.


1)EXIM stands for
2)ECGC stands for
3)One Rupee is signed by whom?
4)Emergency can be declared by the president on the recommendation of whom?
5)VV Giri is the Governor of which state

Result will be available by 19th Feb.It will be declared through mail/letter/test sms

PIB is on 27th & 28th FEB.

Thanks to Santosh for sharing his experience.We wish him all the success in your future endeavours.

If you want to share your experience mail: here


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was NN Vohra not VV giri..
    ans is J&K
    EXIM stands for was not asked..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. While my essay section went off well, I am concerned about the Section 2. I feel I will make the cut barely. Assuming i clear all the next rounds (PIB/SSB/Medical), I was wondering whether a low written score will affect my chances in the final merit list?

    1. No thats not gonna happen,In PIB they just check candidates communication skill & In SSB they don't enquiry about your written score,because SSB is not related to written exam,Its just a board that refine candidates. SSB is not only for TA exam.

    2. Thanks for the inputs Smruti, appreciate it.. Having attended 2 SSBs I realize that the written has no relevance during the SSB. My query was more on lines of the final merit list. If you have any clue whether the final merit list will have a portion of its marks from this written? Secondly, I havent heard about the written results, how should i follow up with them to confirm my slot for the PIB interview?

    3. 1)Final merit list is prepared on the basic of your perfomance in SSB. Written & interview both are just qualifying exams.
      2)If you got selected on written exam then gonna email/text/call you.

  5. Hi Can anyone have the result of exam in lucknow cantt on 9th feb? They will paste the result on gate of the school where examination held. Can anyone have picture of that result. Please share.

    1. Don't worry about your result,they will inform you through call/text/email if you got selected.

  6. can any one tell me result on Pune?Is any body having pune HQ command phone numbers.

  7. The last I heard was that the Pune interview / results have been delayed.. can someone confirm / refute please..

  8. pune interview ka result aaya kya bhai log....???? koi hai????

    1. Interview result will be declare individually...check ur mail daily..

  9. thanks brada....

  10. how long does it it take to declare interview resultssss???

  11. Hai iam a serving soldier, can I apply for TA entry , please con
    Firm. My email adress , my mob no is 09011542557, thank u , regards

  12. Dear Sir please tell me, if i selected For SSB my age is 40 .I am medical fit however; it is compulsory to run 2.5 km in 15 minute 25 push-up 25sit up climbing for TA OFFICER ?

    1. Hey there is no physical requirement for army Officer post only medical..

  13. is there any merit list for the candidates who clear ssb for the TA .....and when will be the joining for the candidates who cleared ssb on july 2015

  14. Ssb session is easy or tough?

  15. Hi guys can any1 knows how the SSB sessions will be there for TA?? Is it similar like normal army selection or it ll be little easy??

  16. From where should I study GS

  17. From where should I study GS
